phil pfp
Product designers: what are your favorite books / resources for someone interesting in learning about design? Bonus points if it is written by someone who has actually shipped great products. Double bonus points for tactical knowledge, not strategies or business books.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
A book that really shapes a mould for a designer’s mind is Medium Design by Keller Easterling. The only book I’ve found that goes beyond methodologies and do’s and don’t’s and goes beyond a dozen case studies to instead concisely paint a 35 page picture.
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huugo pfp
I had Keller Easterling in grad school.
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huugo pfp
Pointless comment, but took me by surprise so I wanted to share.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Oh damn!
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