High Tower
We have a METHOD 😅 Three mathematicians and three physicists are taking a train to a conference. At the station, the physicists buy one ticket per person like normal people. The mathematicians, however, buy just one ticket for all of them. The physicists are puzzled: "But the conductor will check tickets! You’ll get kicked off!" "Don’t worry," say the mathematicians, "we have a METHOD." On the train, the physicists take their seats while keeping an eye on the mathematicians. The mathematicians all squeeze into a single restroom. When the conductor knocks, a hand emerges from behind the door, holding the ticket. The conductor takes it, and the mathematicians ride without issues.
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High Tower
After the conference, inspired by what they saw, the physicists buy just one ticket. The mathematicians buy none. "What will you show the conductor?" the physicists ask. "We have a METHOD." On the train, the physicists cram into a restroom, and the mathematicians into another. Just before the conductor arrives, one mathematician walks over to the physicists’ restroom, knocks on the door, and a hand sticks out with the ticket. He grabs it and walks away.
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High Tower
Moral of the story: Don’t use a method if you don’t understand how it works. @solana @SolanaFndn @JPoolSolana @AeroPool_ @Ioxm7EhgK4v That's the point!
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