Uncritical base.eth
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Uncritical base.eth
THIS PROJECT IS WORTH PAYING ATTENTION TO. THE REWARDS WILL BE CREDITED TO THE BTC WALLET THERE ARE VERY FEW PEOPLE. FLYING IN Tapalka on bitcoin with investments from Unisat — BitcoinTap 🪙 Yes, I know that there are already a lot of slippers, and it is difficult to find really worthwhile ones. But there is something to pay attention to here. In addition to the fact that the project runs on bitcoin, it was supported. Unisat, which often reward their users with drops. Perhaps it will be the same here. Instruction manual 🔺 Log in to the BOT 🔺 Collect points every hour 🔺 Completing tasks 🔺 We invite friends. 🔺 Specify your BTC wallet: 🟠 Download Unisat in chrome on your computer, create a wallet, save the seed phrase, go into the wallet and in the settings you need to select the type of Taproot wallet and insert it into the tapalka We are waiting for the drop. There are few people, as only a few can figure out what to do.
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