anhojae pfp



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anhojae pfp
Hello, ham family I'm back as a walker after a long time I'll work hard from now on. Please cheer me up
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anhojae pfp
I'm hungry to work all night I think it'd be nice to have a Francoisseur at this time Early morning class, aren't you hungry??
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anhojae pfp
I want ham!! You want ham!!
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anhojae pfp
주간 근무하시는분들은 슬슬 퇴근이 얼마남지 않으셨겠네요 저는 오늘 야간근무라 이제 슬슬 출근준비를... 퇴근하시고 불금들 즐기세요~~
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anhojae pfp
How about a ham sandwich and a cup of coffee for a snack in the afternoon?? Have a good afternoon and fighting
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anhojae pfp
다들 점심 드셔야죠 ㅎㅎ 오늘 점심은 돈까스~~ 점심 맛있게들 드시고 워캐 달려보시죠~~
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anhojae pfp
I'm going to go to bed now For the rest of the ham family, have a good night
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anhojae pfp
Let's run in the early morning class Ham family, fighting
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anhojae pfp
저녁 맛있게들 드셨나요?? 저는 오랜만에 엽떡을 먹었습니다 그중에 비엔나햄이 젤 맛있었다는 ㅎㅎ 저녁도 먹었겠다 이제 워캐 열심히 달려봐야죠!!
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anhojae pfp
Yay, you're getting better day by day. I'll work harder and give ham to others
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anhojae pfp
육아 하다보면 하루가 어떻게 흘러가는지 모르겠네요 육아하면서 파캐 열심히 하시는분들 존경스럽습니다!! 육아맘 파파들 화이팅입니다!!
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anhojae pfp
It's marinated beef ribs that I ate on a trip It's so soft, sweet and delicious. I remember it Enjoy your lunch, family 🥩🍗🍖
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anhojae pfp
Good night ham family's 🍖🍖
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anhojae pfp
가족여행 때문에 워캐에 너무 소홀했네요 오늘 복귀했으니 다시 달려봅니다!! 사진은 어제 점심에 먹은 오리고리 냠냠!!
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anhojae pfp
It's the famous ham Hammon of Spain If you try it, you can't help but get addicted to it. It's a magical taste I hope our hamcoins become magical coins that cannot be sold once you buy them If you leave ham, I'll definitely reflect it!!
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anhojae pfp
가족여행 하느냐고 오늘 캐스트를 많이 못했네요 지금부터라도 달려볼게욤!! 댓글 남겨주시면 3종 달러 바로 가볼께요!!
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anhojae pfp
Hams, let's go to the moooon~~!!! 🥓🥓🍖🍖🍖🥩🥩🥩
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anhojae pfp
I love ham🍖🥓🥓🍖
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anhojae pfp
I love pearl🧊🧊
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anhojae pfp
점심 맛나게들 드셨나요 오늘 점심은 짜장면!! 탕슉🍗🍗
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