houchongtian68 pfp



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houchongtian68 pfp
he 'in the past' part is an insertion, but, yes, generally that's the point being made, whilst perhaps not hypocritical (it seems like too strong a term) those in favour of the new rules are in danger of falling foul of those new rules as much as the 'ideologues' they seek to drive out of the forum. Quote from: SMTB1963 on June 22, 2011, 09:51:16 PM Honestly, I fail to see how that's a valid argument in support of keeping this forum unmoderated. It's not an argument, it's only supportive of an argument, it's only illustrative of a point. The point is that setting in place limitations that people might find themselves casually in breach of (and here the point that some of those most vocal in their support are themselves culprits becomes illustrative) might have (my own opinion is 'will likely have') consequences that will do more to stymie a healthy and robust community spirit than a more laissez faire approach (but of course not giving free reign to naked abuse).
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houchongtian68 pfp
View Profile Re: Forum moderation policy June 22, 2011, 10:54:24 PM #45 Quote from: SMTB1963 on June 22, 2011, 09:51:16 PM Your complete lack of any meaningful response to my defense of your ridiculous assertion pretty much says it all. My point is far from ridiculous. Quote from: SMTB1963 on June 22, 2011, 03:39:20 PM Uh huh. So your answer is "No, I didn't read any of your other posts. I made this blanket claim on the basis of a single post". Super. My post is not aimed at you in particular (and that is stated in my post), it aims to make the point that those seemingly most in favour of these new rules appear to be, if anything, more exposed to them than those questioning the need for them. Quote from: SMTB1963 on June 22, 2011, 09:51:16 PM Heh, so what ARE you basing your opinions about what might be good or bad for the forum then?
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houchongtian68 pfp
My point is far from ridiculous. Quote from: SMTB1963 on June 22, 2011, 03:39:20 PM Uh huh. So your answer is "No, I didn't read any of your other posts. I made this blanket claim on the basis of a single post". Super. My post is not aimed at you in particular (and that is stated in my post), it aims to make the point that those seemingly most in favour of these new rules appear to be, if anything, more exposed to them than those questioning the need for them. Quote from: SMTB1963 on June 22, 2011, 09:51:16 PM Heh, so what ARE you basing your opinions about what might be good or bad for the forum then?
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houchongtian68 pfp
you can, essentially. just put your mouse over a user's handle, on the left side of their post - then, on the status bar at the bottom left of your browser window (assuming you have the Status Bar enabled in "View"), that users registration number will show up in the form: "u=xxxxx (some number)" for example, your number is 7361. mine is 7795. indicating that i signed up 434 user registrations after you did. sirius' (the OP) user number is 4 - indicating that he's been here for awhile...
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houchongtian68 pfp
However, I think the idea of just moving threads that you and others have suggested is great. But a trash bin is just as bad as deleting. People post bullshit so that others will read it. Nobody reads threads in the trash bin. Having a specific "no rules" subforum has worked for a lot of big forums, and ones much rowdier than this one (Somethingawful has FYAD, 4chan has /b/, Offtopic has, well, I guess the main forum). If you give the idiots a specific place to play and call their own, they won't make irritating posts in other forums as often. Just make a forum with no rules except what is obviously illegal and let people post to their heart's content. Or, wait, did I just describe the newbie forum?
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houchongtian68 pfp
A lot of times, deleting threads rather than moving them is harder on the database as well. So there's that benefit.
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houchongtian68 pfp
I don't mind moderation, when done in, well, moderation. I do mind when I cant judge whether the mods are doing their jobs well or not. I can't judge for myself if I agree a thread was out of line if it's been deleted. Mods, if you feel you need to shut a thread down, why not just lock it? Some other forums feature a "trash bin" section where "deleted" threads go, still available to read, but not cluttering the main forums. Maybe this would be something to look into here? Can anyone give a good reason why deleting a thread would be preferable to just locking it, absent legal reasons and other force majeure?
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houchongtian68 pfp
We do need more than one Bitcoin forum. When a forum gets so big that they're basically telling people to "go away", and they start deleting posts left and right, with no consequent slowdown in signups, membership, or traffic -- that's tells ME (at least) that the market's now big enough for another forum.
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houchongtian68 pfp
I don't understand why this argument keeps coming up. Yes, of course it is their right to do what they please. I don't think wanton despotism is anyone's goal here, though. I'd like to discuss things instead of just having a hissy fit and leaving. Isn't that what forums are for - discussion?
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houchongtian68 pfp
To be honest I am not looking for an answer, my question is rhetorical, (it's not even aimed at you in particular), I am just making the point that even during the early birth pangs of this new policy those most supportive of it are already in breach of it. Add in a moderator (not now perhaps, but in 6 months or 2 years) who you end up in disagreement with and you, yourself, might find your posts deleted as you have already met the criteria.
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houchongtian68 pfp
Oddly those who are most vocal in their support for the new policy ('I support the new policy 100%.") seem to be the ones most casually in breach of the new policy. Section one asks us to keep our posts calm and polite, but here we see people who are against these new rules labeled as 'ideologues' and dumped in the same bucket as 'trolls' and 'spammers' - and are invited to go elsewhere and swim in an ocean of shit. If you are in support of the new policy "100%" how do you square your use of 'shouting' (capitalized text) when it's clearly discouraged by the new policy ?
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houchongtian68 pfp
These people would rather spend half a month to get a bag of fruit, a glass cup a month, and a year to collect 20 yuan to withdraw, or even spend 7 years signing every day without knowing whether there will be any results, and they will not spend a dime.
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houchongtian68 pfp
It took several days to sort out some potential airdrop projects in 2024 It is mainly divided into the following six categories 1⃣BTC ecology 2⃣L2 track 3⃣Modularization 4⃣Restaking 5⃣Solana ecology 6⃣Other projects
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