horstkaija pfp
Bitget Exchange has launched a KOL platform, which means that you can take on some project promotion on this platform. The projects on this KOL platform have all been reviewed by the Bitget platform, and the quality can be said to be very good, so a win-win situation can be achieved. How to operate Twitter? I personally think that it is enough to write down your thoughts and operations every day, and write down your ideas in plain language. It does not necessarily require any fancy language. At the beginning, you may not be able to write hundreds of words, so let's start with a dozen words. Keep going every day, and slowly you will find that you can write so many things. Just like me, I was also very afraid of writing at the beginning, but now it seems that it takes less than half an hour to write hundreds of words. It is a change from quantitative to qualitative.
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