horsefacts pfp
My greatest posting years were 2017-2018, on a 100 user Oulipo Mastodon instance that blocked any posts including the letter "e". Surely I can rebuild it here, right? A custom Oulipo frontend? A hub that drops any messages with the forbidden fifth glyph?
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adrienne pfp
Did you write a children’s book with this plot? The letter E has fallen down the stairs and ended up in the hospital. Now the only way to get her back on her feet is for everyone to stop using her.
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horsefacts pfp
Amazing! No, mostly Dril fanfic but a handful of truly brilliant posts.
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adrienne pfp
In the book I think tho lottor o took tho placo of e but just as fun to think of only words without that 5th symbol of the ABCs 🙃
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horsefacts pfp
It’s a fun constraint!
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