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maybe someone will read this, I decided to share an interesting fact
It turns out that in our solar system there is a body resembling our planet. It is called Titan, and it is a satellite of the planet Saturn. It also has arms, seas, volcanoes, a dense atmosphere, just like our planet. Surprisingly, even the distance between Titan and Saturn is equal to the distance between us and the Sun, and even the ratio of the weights of these celestial bodies is equal to the ratio of the weights of the Earth and the Sun. Still, intelligent life on Titan is not even worth looking for, because its reservoirs are let down: they consist mainly of propane and methane. But still, if the latest discovery is confirmed, then it will be possible to say that primitive forms of life exist on Titan. Beneath Titan's surface there is an ocean that is 90% water, the remaining 10% may be complex hydrocarbons. There is an assumption that it is this 10% that can give rise to the simplest bacteria. 0 reply
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