Michael pfp



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Michael pfp
It is already February 15th of 2024. Tik Tok MFer
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Michael pfp
When it comes to trading, sometimes fading your own bias is a tell. I looked at a coin this morning and said this looks all but done and rugged. (it not a rug). I then proceeded to buy shortly after and took a quick 30% with half the position still pending. When you think about this, it makes perfect sense.
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Michael pfp
Life is but a flash once you reach a certain age. Make sure you stop and look around every once in a while. Live with daily awareness and intention so you do not get lost in the haze. Dont turn into an old man wondering where it all went and realizing you were living for people or situations that dont matter.
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Michael pfp
Walk around like and believe your Gods favorite. But... Be humble.
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Michael pfp
Yesterday, Putin said something I read about a long time ago. George Dubya was a sharp mofo. Putin seemed to impress upon this heavily. And he was from what I read from one of his advisors. The smartest guy in the room makes you think he is a dunce. Game.
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Michael pfp
AI is just a tool to enhance. A paintbrush doesn't make a great artist. A script doesn't make a great salesman or actor. Life force and the ability to project spirit/energy into our work is what makes something great.
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Michael pfp
Proper breathing techniques should be a normal part of the school/health curriculum. Something so important for our health,well-being, and ability to strengthen our etheric body and yet go overlooked. In a world in which our well-being was prioritized,this would be something that is given extensive focus.
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Michael pfp
You can never be replaced by any technology if you have the traits of vision and imagination and the ability to project and manifest energy. Simple as.
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Michael pfp
Everyone wants to be blessed. But never ask if they can handle the blessings.
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Michael pfp
Cool NFT collection, my friends at the $bart on Eth's team minted. The majority of proceeds will be going towards a massive marketing campaign. So keep an eye on the coin when we are close to a mint out. Valhalla awaits. Alpha. Join us. https://www.scatter.art/the-omni-pass?tab=mint&ref=65c32fc655a25d046e4e2f18
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Michael pfp
A warm Farcaster welcome to @occulthours!
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Michael pfp
There is 0 excuse as a man to not be in good physical shape until your 70s. It only takes 30-60min a day and not eating like an irresponsible child. There are also plenty of performance enhancers that are relatively safe. No excuses.
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Michael pfp
You will be astounded to what is possible when you start believing in yourself.
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Michael pfp
Thinking about getting back on modafinil just because they make my workouts absolutely incredible.
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Michael pfp
I think I have to say this rn to fit in. If you are here right now? You are early. You have no idea how early you are right now! Early. Very very early.
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Michael pfp
I think we should give all people who wear Apple vision in public community wedgies. Agree or disagree?
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Michael pfp
Give me a little bit to get warmed up to this place, and I'll start putting out value packed and sometimes unhinged takes.
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Michael pfp
Just an intro to myself. I am @holderofthefire on X. My interests are trading. Self-improvement. Esoteric topics. Psychology(real psychology, not university BS)Fitness. Memes and observing reality. Nice to meet you all, and let's see how this goes. Michael
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