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s3unha pfp
Here's live-read for a Japanese book translated "Declaration of Localism - From Growth to Steady". H/t @vgr and his pandemic live reads where he live tweeted books as he was reading them. Cast threads UX is nowhere perfect and I'm hoping they become perfect over time.
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s3unha pfp
The author is a Japanese Philosopher, public thinker, educator, cultural critic named Tatsuru Uchida. The book is a collection of 10 essays / 10 ppl / 10 diff industries. Shared topic was population decline.
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s3unha pfp
When the book was published in 2017, JP was 10 years into discussing and putting forth solutions for population decline. Way ahead of the curve ๐Ÿ˜ฑ The preface is his overarching take on pop decline which he views as a civ prob that's not limited only to JP.
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s3unha pfp
For JP their pop is expected to drop from 127m to 60m, a 50% decrease over 80 years. He doesn't believe pop decline is a problem Govt or anyone can respond at scale once in motion. Pop decline is followed by shrinking mkt and existing biz models having to change or dying.
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s3unha pfp
At the time of writing, there was no national discussion around what form JP would end up with due to pop decline. I wonder what the influence of Covid is to pop decline and if he thinks any differently.
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s3unha pfp
On top of pop decline, he fears AI taking jobs. JP gets to choose their poison that they're first up to bat. He wasn't sure what industries would lose their job first but predicted manufacturing and services. If I replaced "pop decline" with "climate" the tone would sound more of less the same. Similar BIG prob.
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s3unha pfp
People predict pop declining society being prevalent around the world. Why aren't we speaking enough about this? Or are we but with diff words describing the same set of phenomena ie Degrowth theory, steady state economy etc?
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s3unha pfp
JP is first for hyper low birthrate and hyper-aging but these phenomena are sweeping all across NE Asia. No one knows what'll happen. He rants how he doesn't want to write this book but he must bcoz the professionals dont bother to discuss the issue. This is a red flag that JP society doesnt take pop decline srsly.
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s3unha pfp
Wars, econ depression, natural disasters are "normal" in the sense it can happen to any of us. A national culture that doesnt seek any solution although there's a high probability of an imminent threat is danger at another lvl. Ser you'll be appalled at the crappy responses and drama of the pandemic.
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s3unha pfp
I read once if govt cant tell ppl to have fewer kids or lower standard of living, though we're at carrying capacity, the easiest thing is to label fossil fuels = bad.
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s3unha pfp
the malthusian view has existed for decades and it labeled pop decline = bad. the 1st essay puts for a view that pop decline is a natural and reasonable because it's the earth self correcting for sustainability.
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s3unha pfp
all adv countries except US face pop decline. 22nd century, all nations will face low birth and pop decline. it may be inevitable but def not easy to accept. The JP mind is diff from US in that JP doesnt like prepping for worst case scenarios while US values black swan thinking as demonstrated in WWII.
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s3unha pfp
He exhorts JP readers to not label those who prep for black swan as pessimists and ostracize them.
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s3unha pfp
Though pop decline is a real danger that could wipe out JP natl, local govt are not active reaching nor reaching consensus on counter plans. Cultural dynamics and their influence on decision making is real. And he may be pointing to a blindspot between top-down & bottom-up systems. A /publicgoods problem?
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s3unha pfp
JP society fears facing pessimism that leads to avoiding facing reality. Only Plan A that turns around pop decline is drawn and not Plan B, C that minimizes damage. The logic is: prepping for the worst is defeatism and defeatism leads to defeat. JP logic is not doing anything > prepping for the worst.
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s3unha pfp
To the JP psyche, reality is not created by a person but created elsewhere and happens on a person. Passive > Active. Mic drop.
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s3unha pfp
Pop decline is NOT a natural disaster but can be predicted 2 decades in adv since 95% of birth is from women 20-39 yrs old. We're taken aback by news that pop rate has hit an all time low when we could predict the decline 2 decades ago.
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s3unha pfp
JP predicted rapid pop decline in early 21st cent as early as 1980s. No one wanted to raise this issue during ATH for JP econ. Who ever thought they would lose decades. But it happened.
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s3unha pfp
Universities were the worst when it came to burying their head in the sand. Their tgt was clear: 18 year olds and that gave 18 years to prep. In 1993 Tatsuru first heard of pop decline at an Uni offsite. he was shocked because he realized no action was taken since 1975.
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s3unha pfp
Unis cont to increase their admission capacity, staff, budget and salary. They built up a system that would give them hell 18 years later for 18 years. No one could refute "strike when the iron's hot."
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s3unha pfp
Pre-Covid 2017, 112/660 17% higher ed institutions were in financial trouble and 21 were in danger of being bankruptcy by 2019. It must be way worse post-Covid.
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s3unha pfp
TIL you can risk hedge all you want w/o correctly accounting for the culture & society as a risk factor. pop decline is not about winning but minimizing dmg.
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s3unha pfp
3 major factors influence upcoming recession (minus Covid at this point in time): pop decline, AI, [nation-state]-first policies.
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s3unha pfp
industries he projects will soon suffer mass unemployment: finance, trad media esp natl newspaper & tv.
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s3unha pfp
interestingโ€”he believes book publishing will be the last industry to resist an inevitable shrinking workforce. it was the earliest to face reality, and it's budget is way smaller than other media. self-publishing is readily available. books are lindy because it's existed prior to capitalism. lindy != job creation
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s3unha pfp
all biz models that presuppose a mass market will eventually disappear ๐Ÿคจ i wonder if this happens at a diff rate for SEA & Africa JP projects biz tgting seniors and poor will thrive. biz tgting poor are biz models that increase in profit as poverty increases. are streaming services this way? ๐Ÿง
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