notdevin  pfp
I need someone whoā€™s sane to explain to me how Ordinals arenā€™t the undoing of bitcoin after reading this Ordinal Theory doc. 1) If Iā€™m understanding this, satoshis are being made non-fungible and if successful to the max, would consume all fungibility of the chain
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notdevin  pfp
Ordinals are another form of 51% attack, very loosely speaking. To assume that you can have both modalities on a finite chain with no repercussions seems naive, again, I could be smoking crack here. BTCs value is to create a standard of relative valuation. Now that function has cancer is all I see.
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notdevin  pfp
Ordinals have made me more bullish on eth and Iā€™m not chain maxi. Iā€™ll still personally value ownership over BTC to be higher for awhile. The argument that ā€œnumber so bigā€ for why satoshis can be converted to NFT seems to be the same mistake as using a signed 32bit int for YouTube likes, fine until itā€™s not
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Hexidethmal šŸŸŖ pfp
Hexidethmal šŸŸŖ
Interesting. I was initially going to explore ordinals but early on I understood that you had to have a clean wallet to house them because if you co-mingled with a wallet that sends txs, an inscribed sat that is part of an ordinal might be sent That was enough for me to pass, but this implication didnā€™t occur to me
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notdevin  pfp
Oh thatā€™s also weird! Whoops, we liquidated your favorite penny šŸ˜‚
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