Katherine pfp
I tried the Daylight computer! https://daylightcomputer.com/
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yangwao ↑ pfp
yangwao ↑
I started using blue blocking glasses even during the day and my eyes never felt more relaxed, so I totally got this! How fast was the e-ink response? What OS offers? What kind of apps have you tried there?
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Katherine pfp
It was snappy! It runs on Android. Tried YouTube, Kindle, Spotify, all the normal stuff. Works great and I didn’t miss a color screen 😂
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Hexidethmal 🟪 pfp
Hexidethmal 🟪
How was video on it?
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Katherine pfp
Totally normal in terms of playback. The speaker on it isn’t like world class, and ofc it’s in black and white. But no skips stutters or any noticeable defects
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Hexidethmal 🟪 pfp
Hexidethmal 🟪
Thats pretty cool. I’ve an affinity for e-ink displays, so def curious to check it out :) 147 $DEGEN I wonder if production will be essentially the same you tried 🤔
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