Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
I'm considering going 100% cashless. Has anyone done this successfully?
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Hexidethmal 🟪 pfp
Hexidethmal 🟪
I wish I could actually do only cash or crypto
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Interesting. Why include cash in that?
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Hexidethmal 🟪 pfp
Hexidethmal 🟪
Cash is the best privacy layer we have right now :)
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Hexidethmal 🟪 pfp
Hexidethmal 🟪
One of my fears is our going purely digital before we have adequate ZK privacy UX and minimum viable adoption, approaching the robustness of our current cash economy.
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Hexidethmal 🟪 pfp
Hexidethmal 🟪
Ideally we will eventually have a large pool of permanently undoxxed ZK shielded coins, supporting a thriving real economy
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