Maverick pfp
Some more news from Bryan: ๐Ÿ•› Last night, Bryan dropped a major post on his Twitter (, sharing his thoughts on sybils, clusters, and reports. He also confirmed that the final Sybil List will be out by the end of this week. ๐Ÿ‘€ Highlights: Clusters with fewer than 20 addresses will not be considered. If a cluster has less than 30% eligible addresses, it will be checked last. There are still many sybils who won't make the final list because they're not eligible for the drop, but they still aim for the RFP distribution. Additionally, Bryan mentioned that 22k clusters have been posted in threads on Commonwealth. When you think about it, that's a massive effort. Hopefully, it won't affect us and we'll finally get the solid airdrop from a tier-1 project that we've been waiting for over a year
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