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I love Mitt Romney, but he is utterly wrong. Human ethics do not apply to state actors. We accept this the moment we grant a monopoly on violence to the state. Morality cannot be the rubric we apply to political leaders. It is dangerous to do so. The relevant lens is the national interest.
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Henri Stern Ꙫ
Yours is a version of “the ends justifies the means.” I am not sure I could disagree with you more strongly than I do. Our leaders represent us. The abandon of humanism in politics in favor of “man is a wolf to man”-style cynicism is a great failure. It will not lead to a nice place for us.
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It is a reality of the world that the United States has conveniently ignored for 80 years, to its great detriment.
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Henri Stern Ꙫ
To its great detriment?! Bretton Woods and the Marshall Plan did more for US hegemony the worldover than any military intervention or coercive diplomacy since. Since then there have been excesses of passivity but nuance is not a sin and there are times for hawks doves both. Beware overrationalization.
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Henri Stern Ꙫ
Read “a globalized world has been to the USs profit (and the world’s) for the back half of the 20th century, it just went too far unchecked.” The link between open markets and democracy was misread.
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