Shreyas pfp



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Shreyas pfp
It seems a bit easier to predict which $50B companies will 10x versus which $5B companies will 10x.
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Shreyas pfp
Prediction markets are clearly having its moment - they will only grow in importance. But memecoins will have bigger volume than prediction markets to bet on political results. e.g. $MAGA, $BODEN
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Shreyas pfp
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Shreyas pfp
Food is the least coercive out of all influences. People will eat food they politically disagree with because it's good. Some Indians hate the Mughals but will eat biryani. The British conquered the world but couldn't convince anyone to eat British food.
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Shreyas pfp
Excited to work with DeFi Education Fund and Uniswap after the proposal passed governance with overwhelming support. ◆ Enable 12-month stream ◆ Enable Uniswap DAO to clawback unvested funds ◆ Provide real-time transparency on fund transfers ◆ Automate withdrawals from vesting contract to manage operations
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Shreyas pfp
Conversation with my 3 year old niece: 3yo: what is this on your face? Me: it's a pimple 3yo: why don't I get pimple? Me: you might get a pimple when you get older 3yo: I want to get pimple! Me: what will you get when you get older? 3yo: pimple!! yay!!
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Shreyas pfp
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Shreyas pfp
built in brooklyn, farmed in asia
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Shreyas pfp
what can replace "where are you based out of" in the first few minutes of a zoom call?
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Shreyas pfp
"[Psychology] gets marketed as self-transformation. After years of therapy, you get exhausted, and one day you wake up to realize you're perfect the way you are and crash out self-acceptance, which is the opposite of self-transformation." - Peter Thiel
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Shreyas pfp
The best feeling while building a product is having users who care. When someone gives in-depth feedback or is frustrated about a specific problem, you know you're onto something. There is no learning in indifference or confusion. There is a lot to learn from specific frustration.
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Shreyas pfp
"I was trying to be a magician. But it didn't take me long to figure out - they love it when the tricks don't work." - Steve Martin on getting into standup
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Shreyas pfp
you know who's worse for society than alcoholics? people who've given up drinking
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Shreyas pfp
Airdrop farmers are the proletariat
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Shreyas pfp
Recreate actions across multiple chains in a few clicks.
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Shreyas pfp
Production customer comments on Llama
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Shreyas pfp
Llama is proud to power Drakula's creator rewards!
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Shreyas pfp
The question of consciousness is increasingly an irrelevant one. AI will show us that intelligence can emerge outside of consciousness, even outside of life
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Shreyas pfp
In late modernity, we're living in a world of hyper specialization. It's like Adam Smith's pin factory on steroids. - Peter Thiel
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Shreyas pfp
sun's out. (influencers') guns out in soho
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