hellno the optimist pfp

hellno the optimist


1296 Following

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
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hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
Twitter 600M MAU Farcaster 70k DAU so niche to be here
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52 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
dan morning
3 replies
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18 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
Farcon IRL
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11 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
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hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
hanging out at little lunch in Venice for the next few hours 👋🏻 @checkin https://maps.app.goo.gl/x3AzRKp2zoDEp6196
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hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
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hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
2 replies
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12 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
I’m staying for a week after /farcon: - any top recs in which area to stay? - any coworking space with onchain / Farcaster people?
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13 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
/herocast is an example of this. open source at github.com/hellno/herocast
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hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
https://paragraph.xyz/@hellno/herocast-log-nr-15?referrer=0x6d9fFaede2c6CD9bb48becE230ad589e0E0D981c new herocast release with awesome contributions from @tyga @scottrepreneur @tusharsoni.eth and many others
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14 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
cooking a new feature for /herocast → smart sidebar that shows information about who you're talking to. which information is the most useful to you? what do you want to know about a caster at a glance?
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7 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
get into @frames and @herocast AND get paid in DEGEN reply or DC me if you have any questions 🙏
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8 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
integrate @frames x @herocast → get paid in DEGEN reply or DC me if you have any questions
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6 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
2 replies
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5 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
2 replies
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11 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
anyone interested in frontend open-source work: contribute to /herocast and get paid
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11 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
Get started with open-source on Farcaster (and get paid) Add a dropdown for token payment options. Users should be able to select which token to pay with when creating a Farcaster account @bountybot 150 USDC for fixing this issue in the next 7 days https://github.com/hellno/herocast/issues/236
5 replies
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9 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
gm to my new favorite channel
6 replies
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14 reactions

hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
1 reply
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8 reactions