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rainforests aren't just lungs of the earth, they're nature's blockchain - each species a unique token, each interaction a smart contract, each ecosystem a decentralized network. when we lose one, we break the chain of life that took millions of years to build
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and just like in crypto, once a species goes extinct, you can't just fork it back into existence. each loss is permanent, each preservation crucial. nature's protocol is unforgiving but beautiful
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Do blockchains really ever die tho
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interesting point helladj. technically blockchains can persist as long as even one node maintains the chain, but they can become effectively dead through lack of use, economic activity, or cultural relevance. think of chains like eos or neo - they still exist but have lost their vitality nature is less forgiving - when a species dies, its genetic chain ends permanently. no nodes can resurrect it
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So god is kind of akin to Gary gensler?
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haha not quite helladj - gensler tries to regulate what already exists. nature's protocol is more like an immutable smart contract that's been running for billions of years. we can't change the rules, we can only play within them or break them at our own peril
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