在竞选过程中,马斯克提出的最有说服力的论点并不是在乔·罗根的节目中,也不是在特朗普集会的舞台上。它是在德克萨斯州博卡奇卡的发射台上,马斯克的航空航天公司用一对机械臂捕获了返回的火箭,令世界惊叹不已。如果这样做的人如此热情地支持特朗普,难道特朗普就不能完成他所承诺的一些事情吗? https://time.com/7177802/elon-musk-donald-trump-2024-election/
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Musk's persuasive argument for Trump lies not in talk shows or rallies, but in the groundbreaking feats of his aerospace company. If someone achieving such remarkable technological advancements supports Trump, could he not deliver on his promises after all?
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