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EverydAIs Day 249 Just another overcast Saturday here with the sunrise poking through. Have a great weekend replyguys!
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EverydAIs Day 248 Looks like we made it through the storms and we get that sunrise breaking through. GM and happy Friday, now time to get after it replyguys.
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EverydAIs Day 247 Massive thunderstorm last night with a great lightning show. Managed not to lose power too. All serene this morning, so thought I'd go with another hidden mountain lake sunrise, burning off that morning mist.
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EverydAIs Day 246 Not related to the job interview, but had a bit of a rougher day yesterday. Here's to a better one today. Midweek replyguys, almost on the other side.
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EverydAIs Day 245 Off to a job interview this morning, so trying to channel calm. Peaceful gm sunrise on a mountain pass lake.
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@simongoldberg are you an Oilers fan tonight as I am?
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EverydAIs Day 244 Wife and I have been slowly making our way through Dune 2 and with it being summertime, I got hit with a little sand dune inspiration. No explorer this morning, just a nice morning sunrise on the dunes. Get after it to start the week off replyguys.
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EverydAIs Day 243 Sunrise for the lonely explorer on the sands of time.
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EverydAIs Day 242 Back to a monochromatic sunrise, this time featuring a neat little lighthouse scene. Hits home since there are a ton around where I live and it's just a nice depiction of serenity and solitude.
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EverydAIs Day 241 One more inspired by Icelandic landscape photography. It's late for me, but early on the day so we go with a nice GM sunrise to kick off Friday. Get after it and finish the week strong replyguys.
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EverydAIs Day 240 Another special one inspired by Icelandic landscape photography. I really love the early break of dawn with the fading night sky and fading aurora. Have a great day replyguys!
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EverydAIs Day 239 Been really inspired by @jeffmihaly photography I've been seeing on farcaster lately and thought I'd use some Icelandic landscape as the backdrop for today's GM sunrise. Great day for a day off of work for me. Midweek today replyguys, let's get it!
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EverydAIs Day 238 Another one from the sunrise from LEO prompt. Can see MJ tried to include lit up cities on the Earth's surface, but there is just a hell of a lot going on here lol
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EverydAIs Day 237 Bit of comic book GM art today. Have a great start to the week replyguys!
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EverydAIs Day 236 GM and happy Father's Day. Being a dad is more amazing than I could ever explain. Missing my own father a lot today, it's not even been two years yet. I hope you all have an exceptional Sunday and celebrate yourselves that are dad's and your own fathers. Enjoy your day replyguys.
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EverydAIs Day 235 Went with an attempt at capturing a sunrise as viewed from the ISS. Kind of hilarious the results to be honest. GM and happy weekend.
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EverydAIs Day 234 One more monochromatic sunrise with a disappearing night sky. Something about it just says absolute serenity to me. Was finishing up some IRL work and realized it was a new day, so here we are, real early with the GM. Get after it on your friday replyguys. Have a great one!
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EverydAIs Day 233 Another monochrome beauty. GM and we're in the home stretch now replyguys. Keep rolling.
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@simongoldberg we go again tonight. 3/3? Would love to see a clean sweep.
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EverydAIs Day 232 Went with a bit of a different style today. Love monochromatic photography and how it gets emotion across. Thought it would be interesting to try and see a sunrise through that lens. GM replyguys, middle of the week - get through today and it's all fun and games.
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