Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp

Amadi Onyinyechukwu


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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
Food for thought
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
"The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. Psalm 103:8" The Lord is a Father over all His creation because He is the Creator of all things. He is a personal being; in other words, although He is a Spirit, He is a person who can relate with us on a personal level. As a person, He has personal virtues: merciful, gracious, and slow to anger. He shows plenty of mercy to His children and gives us grace to function for Him; He is slow to get angry at us when we do the wrong things or go the wrong way. These are the virtues He wants to also see in His children. As a Christian, God wants you to exhibit His virtues of mercy, grace, and being slow to anger. He wants you to be merciful toward people, slow to react in anger to what people do against you, and to give people grace to be able to work with you. When we express the virtues of God toward one another, our families, churches, communities, and nation will be better. Hallelujah!
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 1 John 5:14" Confidence is defined as the feeling of being certain that something will happen or that something is true. There are people who are confident in their wealth, power, position, or the people they associate with. As a child of God, where does your confidence lie? Our confidence should lie in God because of the fact that if we ask anything according to will or word, he hears us, so there is nothing to worry about or be ashamed of. We need to search the Holy Scriptures to find His will so that we can pray that His will can be done in our lives. God has the master plan for everything He has made and He is always looking forward to fulfill His plan. It is good to know the plan of God for your life and the lives of your children so that you can fulfil it to His glory; only then can you be blessed and have fulfilment in Him. Praise the Lord!
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
What an awesome improvement. UP Phaver UP $SOCIAL....
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20" Jesus Christ is the Bishop of the church (1 Peter 2:25). In other words, He is the Head of the church. He continually monitors the church and gives it all the resources it needs to do His ministry on Earth. In the opening scripture, the Laodicean church was going astray and had become neither cold nor hot. In fact, they had kept Jesus Christ out of their hearts. Our Lord Jesus Christ rebuked them and asked them to clothe their nakedness, to be zealous, and to repent. The same rebuke goes out to us today, especially those who have succeeded at kicking Jesus out of their hearts by not taking Jesus Christ and the ministry of the gospel seriously. Jesus Christ was now standing at the door of their hearts, knocking to get inside. Dear beloved, keep the fire burning so that you can continually be hot for the Lord. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit thr…
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. Psalm 91:15" One of the good things that the children of God enjoy when they become born again is that God is ready at all times to listen to them. This is not so if you are an unbeliever in the world, because the unbeliever is not a child of God and does not have any kind of relationship with the Father. When the child of God prays and fellowships with the Father, God answers him; if he is going through any trial or trouble, God gives him the grace to overcome that situation. In this way, God is available at all times to attend to His children; He becomes our deliverer, honors us, gives us long life, and shows us His salvation. What a wonderful God we serve! This should entice those who are not born again to become born again. Of course, they need to be informed first, and that is why the children of God should not keep the gospel to themselves but instead let the unbelievers know what they …
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18" Christianity is the best way of life on this earth. It is not a religion as some believe it to be, but it is the culture and life of God in the body of the born-again child of God; it is simply God's eternal life working through the bodies of His children. Once you become a child, it is important to understand a few things. For one, you are the righteousness of God, and God is going to count on you to live His righteousness and holiness on this earth. He is also going to use you to bless the lives of others. In the midst of these, you should also understand that you will suffer for the name of Christ Jesus, which you bear. All those who hate Jesus Christ will hate you because you are now a child of God and are not of this world. You become a target for the enemy and his cohorts of darkness, and he will use people against you. Therefore, you must put on the whole a…
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26" Apostle Paul was educating the Galatian church on the law and faith. He made them aware that because they have believed in Jesus Christ, they have thus become the children of God by faith and not according to the law. Dear beloved, when you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and confessed Him with your mouth as Lord over your life, you became a born-again child of God. Don't worry about what the law of the Old Testament says or how you feel; it is a step of faith you have taken. After becoming a child of God, what must you do? You must find His will and purpose for your life and live in obedience to God to fulfill His will and purpose. Jesus Christ becomes your role model to look up to when fulfilling this purpose. When you continue in the teaching of Christ Jesus, then your life will be pleasing to God, and He will bless you and make you a blessing to many generations. Hallelujah!
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
"But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: Mark 3:29" Jesus made the profound statement in the opening scripture. He said anyone who speaks abominable words against the Father and the Son will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks abominable words against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven but punished instead. It is our responsibility to please the Holy Spirit because He has come to dwell in us and with us forever; He is here to help us, but He needs our cooperation. Let's not take Him for granted or speak irreverently against Him. He might not spare us. Dear beloved, are you taking the Holy Spirit for granted?
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
We wait because the best is what we want from $SOCIAL and Phaver....
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
@havigold Meow, lets see who is OG 😼
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
Don't be afraid of getting old because your never go away
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
Mons are very UNIQUE
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
Be strong in the Lord
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
Be careful what you do because it return to you someday
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Amadi Onyinyechukwu pfp
Amadi Onyinyechukwu
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