Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
What are the "DePIN" projects that people think are most likely to actually work? It feels like the category is a new name for something that's been around for a decade (StorJ, various decentralized ubers...) but has never gotten off the ground? So what's the bull case for why it will get off the ground now?
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Joshua pfp
We have shown our modularity at @phala as a decentralized coprocessor for any EVM chain Substrate Chains, serverless backend for Frames on @framehub & working on a Multi-Prover solution to add TEE to ZK & FHE projects. We are a DePIN blockchain for Secure Off-Chain Computation w/ over 35k workers if that counts 🧐
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Joshua pfp
However, decentralized solutions aren't quite popular with app builders that rely on centralized frameworks to gain users. I've built plenty of proof of concepts & actively building an integration to securely deploy autonomous ai agents on blockchain. I'm obviously biased, but we build for Web3 natives
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