Harper Reed pfp

Harper Reed


128 Following

Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
Anyone in Vancouver this week?
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
🔥 I accidentally built a meme search engine! 🔍😂 Learn how I used siglip/CLIP and vector encoding to create a tool that finds similar images and unlocks forgotten gems in your photo library. Code included! 👨‍💻 🔗 https://harper.blog/2024/04/12/i-accidentally-built-a-meme-search-engine/
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
🗣️ Ever wondered if your office could talk? Well, ours does! From sensor-based updates to LLM-powered quips, we’ve turned our studio into a avatar that keeps us in the loop. It is a bit unhinged, but UTILITY. https://harper.blog/2024/03/26/our-office-avatar-pt-1-the-office-is-talking-shit-again/
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
photo.score.pleasant_composition > 0.7
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
Listen to Nina Simone tonight
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
A few friends recently bought Leica cameras so I wrote some tips for them. obviously YMMV but check it out: https://harper.blog/2024/03/18/how-to-leica-like-a-noob-who-shoots-leica/
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
I should probably reign in whatever prompt i have generating my commit messages
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
one of my favorite parts about this current AI hype cycle is how everyone is mad that AI will replace engineers, but those same people had no issue with replacing factory workers, truck drivers, etc. Welcome to the arena
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
The other day my buddy Kanno hit me up with a snippet that then ballooned into a full blown hack. How to generate commit messages with an LLM. I wrote about it here: https://harper.blog/2024/03/11/use-an-llm-to-automagically-generate-meaningful-git-commit-messages/
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8 reactions

Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
What happening in Chicago these days?
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
What’s up
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
Uninstalling and reinstalling seemed to fix the notification badge issue.
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
I have a notification indicator on Warpcast and it is making me crazy. I can’t clear it. I am about to delete the app
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
I really like farcaster. The decline of twitter has allowed me to deprioritize social media in general. I should reproritize places I like.
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
It would be awesome if Farcaster supported xmtp
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
Ens integration is nice
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
I just minted ETHChicago Supporter
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
Just spent a week exploring crypto opportunities in japan. Was very interesting. I can share high level insights if people are interested.
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
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Harper Reed pfp
Harper Reed
This is still one of my very favorite albums https://open.spotify.com/album/2He9SDdWsV0r3PdBPxjJrf?si=sWWUF9noSIChI06PkNlryg
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