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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
We're scaling hubs to handle 10x traffic (~ 500k DAU) @adityapk @sanjay and @wazzymandias.eth are heads down and making some big changes this month. Here's a quick overview of how hubs work today.
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Chase pfp
I know you and Dan are familiar with Urbit, so I'm curious why you didn't choose a more heavily sharded Hub design from the outset? Urbit shards the network by channel (called a Group). A group host is generally a dedicated node, tho some people use their daily driver. Despite being WAY less performant than Hubs...
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Chase pfp
Urbit Groups are very stable on average. So few Groups share the same host that one Group going down doesn't tend to impact others. Forcing channel mods to run a Hub might be hard rn, but if there was additional functionality for doing so, I bet a lot of ppl would consider it.
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