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Ok, we're testing a new demo of minting a Vaporware ship! When you mint, we create a new Plunder VM, seed it with your pub ETH address, then serve you a Frames image uploader. Mint a self-hosted Frames backend at:
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this sounds cool :-) can you eli5?
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Absolutely! Mint this NFT and we boot a "personal server" for you. It only lets you login b/c it knows which ETH address owns it. We have a small demo app installed that lets you upload images then serve them in a Frame.
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awesome, thanks :-) i also checked out what's an analogue to this framework in the non-decentralized world?
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From a FE perspective, you could think about it as a decentralized Supabase. The closest existing technologies are library OSs (e.g. unikernel frameworks) or exo-kernels.
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nice, thanks for the helpful info :-)
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