Mirkolis pfp



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Mirkolis pfp
"Tetraphobia" from PhoBIAS Fear of the number 4. From the ancient Greek “tetrás”(four). Coming soon on @base #onchainsummer
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Mirkolis pfp
With svvipe comes feedback, so far better than I thought, a perfect halfway between positive and negative. Come what may, the mechanism is super interesting!
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Mirkolis pfp
"Nucleomituphobia" from PhoBIAS The fear of the atomic bomb. From the Latin “nucleos” der. of “nux,nucis”(walnut). Coming soon on @base #onchainsummer
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Mirkolis pfp
"The Meltdown Chronicles #38" on ZeroOne These days are special editions, continuing to follow the project line, but also adapting to the input of the platform. Six special editions (including yesterday's) to participate in #nextupfashion01 Six total drops with different scarcities (23,23,16,16,8,1).https://zeroone.art/artwork/the-meltdown-chronicles-38-0298
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Mirkolis pfp
"Insectophobia" from PhoBIAS The fear of insects, also called entomophobia. From the Greek “entomos”(insect). Coming soon on @base #onchainsummer
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Mirkolis pfp
Gm! "The Meltdown Chronicles #37" live on ZeroOne https://zeroone.art/artwork/the-meltdown-chronicles-37-7910 PNG, AI RAW, 5376 × 3584
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Mirkolis pfp
PhoBIAS: Equinophobia The fear of horses. From the Latin “equinus” (horse). Coming soon on @base #onchainsummer
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Mirkolis pfp
Do you remember the "Before the Tension" project? As I anticipated, it was a spin-off of a long project lasting more than a year, which is now taking shape, "PhoBIAS". With "Before the Tension" With Before the Tension I told the story behind the scenes, through a series of sketches anticipating PhoBIAS, soon on @base Many of these are closely interconnected. A little preview! Left: Before the Tension Right: PhoBIAS (Kenophobia)
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Mirkolis pfp
Oh nice! My work was selected for Pepefest at Beeple Studio! Thanks Beeple 🎉
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Mirkolis pfp
I think 'realm' is Chat-GPT's favourite word
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Mirkolis pfp
Yesterday's mint on ZeroOne, and get ready in 23 minutes for a new one! All collected, thanks to everyone! 23 editions, 5 reserved.
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Mirkolis pfp
The Meltdown Chronicles #29 collect free on Zeroone.art 23 editions https://zeroone.art/artwork/the-meltdown-chronicles-29-9982
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Mirkolis pfp
Minted "The Narrator" by Ed Balloon on @base
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Mirkolis pfp
GM! PhoBIAS. Fears and prejudices.
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Mirkolis pfp
Now on ZeroOne "The Meltdown Chronicles #24" 23 editions, 5 reserved, DM if you miss it 💥 https://zeroone.art/artwork/the-meltdown-chronicles-24-5848
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Mirkolis pfp
A phobia is often seen as something strange. Those who coexist with a phobia are ridiculed, seen as weak, without understanding the causes or traumas that person experiences. It's always a fight for the bravest, the strongest, the best. Why? What do we want to prove? Why hide our fragilities? PhoBIAS is coming.
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Mirkolis pfp
The Meltdown Chronicles #22 on ZeroOne https://zeroone.art/artwork/the-meltdown-chronicles-22-8329
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Mirkolis pfp
From March 2023, to carry out the "PhoBIAS" project, I started writing a diary where I took note of the various phobias and wrote some thoughts about them. This diary will become a first-person guide to the collection and a testimony of what was experienced during this period of research. Released before launch.
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Mirkolis pfp
Do you know your phobias? Have you ever accepted them? PhoBIAS , a post-photography project. From June 23rd on @base 🔆 OᑎᑕᕼᗩIᑎ ᔑᑌᗰᗰEᖇ Iᔑ ᕼEᖇE 🔆
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Mirkolis pfp
GM everyone! PhoBIAS - Visual thoughts agAInst prejudice 123 synthographs, 23 June.
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