f4f hans pfp

f4f hans


529 Following

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
다들 투표하셨나요? 대한민국의 미래를 위해 소중한 한표 포기하지 마세요!! 사진은 카스카디아cc f4f 맞팔 100%!!
9 replies
4 recasts
6 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
Today is Election Day in the Republic of Korea. Vote well, everyone! Let's pray for the Republic of Korea f4f!! follow 100%!! 1000%!!
2 replies
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1 reaction

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
gm!! have a good day! f4f follow 100%!! 1000%!!
3 replies
2 recasts
5 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
gm!! have a good day^^ f4f, follow 100%! 1000%!!
0 reply
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0 reaction

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
오늘 점심 다들 뭐 드십니까? 벌써부터 점심 걱정 ㅎㅎ 후토마끼랑 비프산도
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f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
아라시야마에서 응커피 마시고 싶은 날씨!! f4f 100%
6 replies
3 recasts
4 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
날이 너무 좋네요 . 이런날은 진짜 교토를 가고 싶어요. 기요미즈데라! 니넨자카/산넨자카까지!! 아라시야마까지~~
2 replies
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2 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
사전 투표 날이네요! 투표하고 나들이 ㄱㄱ 맞팔 100% ^___^
4 replies
0 recast
2 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
gm!!! ^___^ f4f!!!! 100% !! 1000%
1 reply
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0 reaction

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
Secret Secrets on Netflix Is it worth watching? f4f!! 100%!! 1000%
2 replies
0 recast
2 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
good night!! gn!! it's best famous univ. in korea. and my old school. f4f 100%!!! 1000%
0 reply
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0 reaction

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
good morning!! f4f ~~ 100% have a good day! za~~ let's go!!!
12 replies
3 recasts
7 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
good night!!! f4f ^^ 100%!!
0 reply
0 recast
3 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
오늘 하루도 지나가네요. 잘자요!! 맞팔 100%!!
8 replies
1 recast
3 reactions

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
follow back 100% 1000%
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
퇴원 하고 싶다!!!!!
0 reply
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0 reaction

f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
워캐스트에 서서히 적응 중!!
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f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
A warm Farcaster welcome to @jiseong! welcome!
1 reply
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f4f hans pfp
f4f hans
신세계 진입!!
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