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@base Onchain Daily Snapshot (11/11/2024) Active Addresses:1.10M (+0.92%) Transaction Count: 6.91M (+1.47%) TVL: $9.06B (+1.46%) ATH Stable TVL: $3.34B (-0.60%) Revenue: $328.70K (+14.13%) Paid to L1: $35.59K (+153.49%) Onchain Profit: $293.11K (+7.00%) Transaction Cost: $0.007 (+16%) Visualizations: Active Addresses: A bar chart showing the number of active addresses over time. Gas Fee: A bar chart showing the gas fee distribution across different categories. Transaction Count: A bar chart showing the transaction count distribution across different categories. Overall, the snapshot provides a comprehensive overview of the Base blockchain's activity on November 11, 2024. Additional Notes: The data is presented in a clear and concise manner, with easy-to-understand charts and graphs. The snapshot includes a variety of metrics, providing a holistic view of the blockchain's performance. The data is presented in a visually appealing way, making it easy to digest and interpret. @jessepollak
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Hạnh Ngô
Great! Best chain
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