Hajimo pfp



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Hajimo pfp
I am wondering how Blockchain technology was developed so that Blockchains like Zora came into existence I mean the idea itself is really exciting The fact that a group of different people carry such a thing forward, such a thing with such a great effect globally Poof. Mind blowing🀯
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Hajimo pfp
I've just learnt the concept of skiplist! Incredible! Wondering how it's inventor came up with this idea, You have a linked list every node of which is an array of size one. Starting to move from the first node, you toss a coin. If head, you add one to that array's size. If tail, move to the next node.
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Hajimo pfp
And finally it's over Placed one nasogastric tube and a few Foley's catheters. Lucky to find out a patient had a history of anaphylactic reaction to contrast material! Fulfilling.
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Hajimo pfp
Gonna have a medical shift at hospital today. Long long day ahead...
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Hajimo pfp
GM everyone! What is this Bitcoin halving that everyone talks about?
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Hajimo pfp
Whenever I have a day or two off, I just waste time unbelievably. It's not that I want to do some homework or projects and I don't, but I simply don't do anything. Not even things considered to be fun. So now I just come to Warpcast to see what's going on here. Probably better than wasting time entirely.
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Hajimo pfp
Gonna have a lot of fun when I get a little free time My free time:
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Hajimo pfp
Imagine trying to cook a meal for the first time, convinced you're the next MasterChef. You burn the pasta, and end up ordering pizza instead. That's the Dunning-Kruger effect - thinking you're a genius when you're just a kitchen disaster! I think the same effect holds true in crypto world. What's your idea?
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Hajimo pfp
I like to imagine cats and dogs doing things that are mostly done by humans. Like playing poker in a gathering πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ Are dogs smarter or cats?
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Hajimo pfp
GM! It still fails to upload images for me! What about you?
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Hajimo pfp
How about cats worshipping human gods instead πŸ™„πŸ€£
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Hajimo pfp
I've always wondered why humans have been cat-friendly for such a long time, even dating back to ancient Egypt! They did have cat gods they used to worship! What is it with cats that make them so special for humans? I'd love to know!
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Hajimo pfp
So do you think with the development of cryptocurrencies, would concepts like inflation ever apply to them as well? Like a 10% inflation for Bitcoin. As you know there is a 1% expected inflation rate for DEGEN starting since 2029 (if I'm right). The most insightful comment will get a 400$ DEGEN tip in 24 hours!
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Hajimo pfp
Missing the good old times...
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Hajimo pfp
I always loved The SpongeBob SquarePants series! And always disliked Squidward. But as time passed, gradually I came to realize Squidward's mentality and bitterness ! So who would win the fight you think? πŸ€” SpongeBob Or Squidward ?
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Hajimo pfp
On your way back home, after working for a long long day
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Hajimo pfp
Half Time: Real Madrid 2 - 1 Manchester City Arsenal 1 - 2 Bayern Munich
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Hajimo pfp
Any predictions on Man City vs Real Madrid tonight?
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Hajimo pfp
Goat's comin' home /goat
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Hajimo pfp
Do you think with the development of AGI , would there ever be any chance that even animals be able be more smart? Like this geniews cat 🐈
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