Hadi pfp



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Hadi pfp
Modern style in the design of the facade, which can be used in the facade and use light color and combine it with brown color and create harmony by combining these simple colors, using lights in different parts of the facade to illuminate the building at night, Do you accept the design?
8 replies
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Hadi pfp
GatDon't forget the goat, the goat is the way to success.
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Hadi pfp
1.5 million women served in the North Vietnam War There was a great enthusiasm among young women to join the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese army, attracted by factors such as the communist ideals of equality, the influence of women fighters in the Viet Minh. Do you believe in the equality of men and women?
49 replies
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160 reactions

Hadi pfp
Free mint https://zora.co/collect/base:0x489e3f849841fb49075bac71eab9cb804564b284/6?referrer=0x50d46b6EF71164ba33f01Bb68ff287900116910f
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22 reactions

Hadi pfp
Feeling FOMO? No, this is $FOMO by @tocd! Community Token on $DEGEN The more $FOMO you have the less FOMO you have /omof. https://frame.theoldcastle.xyz/fomo?fid=475809
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32 reactions

Hadi pfp
Alexander Graham Bell (born March 3, 1847 - died August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-American inventor and scientist. Bell had many inventions, but he is most famous for inventing the telephone. Among his other famous inventions are the metal detector and the three-dimensional truss or  Fasa Kar pointed. Do you know him?
45 replies
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171 reactions

Hadi pfp
Do you want to stay in such a place during your trip?
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34 reactions

Hadi pfp
Basic network has advantages and disadvantages benefits: Low costs: High speed: Extensibility Connection with other Coinbase products: Disadvantages: Security restrictions: Dependence on layer 1 networks Do you trust the basic network in terms of security and reliability?
39 replies
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182 reactions

Hadi pfp
The facade of a building can have a great effect on attracting the audience and determining its personality. The beautiful and attractive facade of a building can be referred to as an external shell that plays an important role in beautifying the urban landscape. Do you want to live in such a building?
61 replies
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175 reactions

Hadi pfp
Isambard Kingdom Brunel, one of his greatest achievements was the Western Railway. Brunel was an English mechanical and construction engineer. He designed bridges and large railway lines in the west and docks for steamships. He designed unique structures in his time. do you know him
57 replies
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178 reactions

Hadi pfp
attack south
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12 reactions

Hadi pfp
The difference between Zora and other NFT markets Focuses on NFT creators, Does not charge a fee for listing. Zora is an open market. Owned and controlled, Zora's marketplace uses a smart contract-based system The feature of integration with social networks, how do you see the Zora market?
51 replies
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176 reactions

Hadi pfp
Bill Gates worked as the CEO of Microsoft for 25 years until 2000 and was the chairman of the board of directors of Microsoft until 2014. He resigned from the company's board of directors in March 2020. [6] Gates is a major shareholder of Microsoft, owning 1.3% [7] of the company's shares. [8] Do you know Gates?
7 replies
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37 reactions

Hadi pfp
Advantages of the base network 1. Stable and reliable communication: 2. High speed and high bandwidth: 3. Scalability: 4. Information security: 5. Simple management and control: 6. Flexibility in using different technologies: 7. High quality data transfer: 8. Flexibility in creating network topology:
46 replies
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155 reactions

Hadi pfp
attack south
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11 reactions

Hadi pfp
How does a good architectural design make a building sell quickly? Do you think such a design is suitable for sale?
60 replies
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169 reactions

Hadi pfp
Mint @deployer 's newest toy for free ✨ https://far.quest/contracts/degen/-deployer--s-newest-toy
2 replies
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24 reactions

Hadi pfp
Mint @perl mood for free ✨ https://far.quest/contracts/degen/-perl-mood
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20 reactions

Hadi pfp
Mint @perl hq figma. May.9.2024 for free ✨ https://far.quest/contracts/degen/-perl-hq-figma--may-9-2024
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15 reactions

Hadi pfp
How base network works This network is designed to create the security and scalability of the Ethereum network, with the lowest possible cost. Achieving this goal includes several elements that we will examine below. OP stack Bedrock upgrade SuperChain Dank Sharding or EIP-4844 Do you like working on the base?
51 replies
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180 reactions