Ponder Surveys
How do you feel about the idea of a Universal Basic Income (UBI)? 1. Strongly in favor 2. Somewhat in favor 3. Neutral or undecided 4. Somewhat against 5. Strongly against Question by @ba https://i.imgur.com/wD15gSJ.png
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5 With UBI in place, politics just becomes a matter of who will promise to raise the monthly payments by more. Also generally against govt involvement in more areas of life That said, if UBI replaces complex existing govt subsidies and removes the bureaucracy in administering them, that would be an improvement
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Ben Adamsky ðŸ’
Solid point, probably my biggest ‘devil’s advocate’ concern as well. I wonder how something like UBI could even be possible in our current world without govt intervention. Doesn’t seem that realistic to me yet, although being very optimistic about the crypto space as a whole makes me biased for sure
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