Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Yo @peterferguson.eth I see you strong guy 🏋️‍♂️ When will you do a LiftCaster @unlonely stream on how to pick things up and put them down??
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Peter Ferguson pfp
Peter Ferguson
Give me some time to get back in shape and maybe 😅 I am down for LiftCaster though we can be out here critiquing technique Maybe a leaderboard for most workout videos posted to Farcaster gamify and add some accountability 🤔
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grin↑ pfp
I can’t wait for @blobs but for lifting 🤞🙏💪
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blobs pfp
@grin @cameron how do you guys currently track your workouts?
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Honestly though that’d instantly convert me @blobs team (I’m not important but tend to be a… power user of things that’s that I like 😬)
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