Greyhound/10 pfp



97 Following

Greyhound/10 pfp
Sweet! I really wish these were sold in US at retail stores beyond just the one or two luckyscent shops in NYC and LA. Did you get from Zoologist directly or third party? Squid notes are really intriguing!
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Agree with all the others - this is great. Abstract but you know exactly what it is. Very nice. These colors…
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Legit. 🤘
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Greyhound/10 pfp
got my presale mints in!
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Agree and a bonus is that, to paraphrase /bankless , this is like a 400 level class, so you get exposed to things you don’t know (and didn’t know you didn’t know) and learn something new every day.
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Amazing. Dr. Evil will be pleased!
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Really enjoy seeing this come together - thanks for the community building you’re doing here! 100% based.
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Hey all - I’ve really enjoyed watching @derpin@eth this past month as he’s building his new project /basedspacepunks . It’s cool to see this come together and chime in as he’s making design decisions. Check it out - it’s a lot of fun being a part of this and can’t wait for the drop!
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Greyhound/10 pfp
That’s a great idea. Would love to see this. She is a reminder that there are good people doing doing good work, earnestly - hard to see sometimes amidst all the BS
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Greyhound/10 pfp
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Think it’s a bit fast too - dial the speed back 25% maybe?
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Nailed it. Love the conviction - nicely done. Welcome back from your break hope it was wonderful. You didn’t miss anything
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Greyhound/10 pfp
That is spot on. Nailed it!
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Poppies are underrated amazing. I love this photo. What a unique structure they have: here with the flower bursting out of its shell, then to the pod and the little ports that open up to spread the insane amount of seeds. Super cool shot.
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Commonly found at chipotle. Or, among old guys complaining about advertisements (pronounced with an English emphasis on ‘vert’) - but I’ll give them a break because it’s more fun to say it like that and they’re old so why not.
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Greyhound/10 pfp
IMO there isn’t enough of a crypto narrative to drive retail into seeking out these communications. People will find it, and X, when retail starts getting excited again. I think the stagnation has to do largely with everyone looking around and realizing retail isn’t actually here.
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Based is not being lost in crowd of bots and scammers. Based is optimism and shared purpose.
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Clever using tips for this!
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Don’t forget the State of California, Bonkless!
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Greyhound/10 pfp
Beautiful colors and movement here; love seeing your art, they are bursts of joy and brightness in my feed!
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