Greg pfp
today i walked 11.3 miles and ate - a chocolate croissant - trail mix - half an apple - pretzels with cheese - pita with hummus - too many girl scout cookies gn
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Rafi 🍋 pfp
Rafi 🍋
You ate half an apple. That should offset everything else :D
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Greg pfp
it was a pretty bad apple tbh, just had to hold myself over for 30 mins until I reached the pretzels
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Rafi 🍋 pfp
Rafi 🍋
You ask for death, Greg
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Greg pfp
I will eat many salads when i get home on monday i promise
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Rafi 🍋 pfp
Rafi 🍋
Uff, okay. We need Searchcaster and bazillion other things you built
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