Is there an Aave simulator where you can enter fake numbers of collateral to see borrow options, liquidation prices, etc? I'm having a hard time visualizing everything
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kugusha 🦋
not to shill, but why aave?
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no idea, never used any lending protocol and i trust their brand
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kugusha 🦋
not sure if there's a stimulator, but life hack i use a lot: rabby wallet allows you to use apps in "simulation" mode. 1. find a wallet with someone's wallet w a lot of $$ 2. ‘add wallet icon’ → ‘Add Contacts’ → paste the address → connect to the app but also have a look at Morpho,org (lower risk profile than aave, better rates for lenders and borrowers, $3B in deposits and only 650 lines on code + me at your disposal to answer any questions)
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aave website actually has a read-only mode but it doesn't let you play around with numbers so only partially helpful in this case :/ and good to know, ty!
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