Content pfp
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Greg pfp
and today we try again 🫡
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jp  🦊🎩 pfp
jp 🦊🎩
lol if you share the code maybe I can help. what i am doing is just deploying to base goerli and interacting with it from a simple frontend. it feels that i can iterate faster. maybe a non recommended dev environment but it works.
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Greg pfp
I was testing on a fork of OP mainnet with hardhat which worked really well actually! Had never done that before I’m trying to make a contract that calls the Farcaster Bundler with some extra things
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Greg pfp
I think the issue is that I’m using an interface where I’m supposed to be importing the contract itself (for the immutables) But when I tried to add the other contracts like Bundler.sol from the Farcaster repo I entered dependency hell
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