Yash Karthik pfp
Yash Karthik
devcasters is there an api/indexer that allows reverse-lookup of ENS names based on twitter username? I send twitter username as param and it returns the ENS name that has it as a text record.
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Greg pfp
I don't think so :/ you can query thegraph for all names that have a com.twitter record set but it won't show you the value - you'd have to index that separately would an ENS record indexer be helpful in general?
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vincent pfp
Can be built by scraping Twitter bios?
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Greg pfp
I scraped twitter names for https://ethleaderboard.xyz/ and have an API (docs in footer) but not that any scammer can set their name to vitalik.eth so its a good starting point and fun for social purposes but not foolproof
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Yash Karthik pfp
Yash Karthik
seems pretty cool. i'll check it out thanks!
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