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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
One workaround to this usability problem (e.g. someone sending the wrong token to the SAFE) is to give the wallet a @basename That way it is unequivocally associated with the L2 and marginally reduces the risk of someone sending non-Base tokens to that address - not perfect, but better than a vanilla ENS
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Greg pfp
ENS supports setting a Base-specific address! I've set it on gregskril.eth as an example though I'll admit wallet support isn't near where it should be yet... working on it
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Vinay Vasanji pfp
Vinay Vasanji
Yes saw that! Thing I'm unclear about is is it possible to ONLY set a Base address and not have any other address associated with the ENS? The issue with a SAFE that's restricted to a single L2 is you really don't want someone to accidentally send the wrong token to that address — my OtoCo safe can't receive mainnet
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