Greg pfp
kind of sad when a large percentage of website visitors are just airdrop farmers
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Steve pfp
This could be a fun honey pot to build out: 1) Have a site that has a hidden field that only bots/airdrop farmers would alter. 2) Log their IP and provided address 3) Airdrop them a soul bound token Now you have a blacklist. IPs and ETH addresses are easy to shuffle but at least you can inconvenience them a bit.
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Derek Hall pfp
Derek Hall
Where do you speak of?
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Matthew pfp
been thinking recently about sybil resistance thru IRL… have you thought about this?
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tyler.scharf pfp
You’re not referring to lens are you 🙃
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sha (🎩,🎩) pfp
sha (🎩,🎩)
Yeah but some airdrop farmers are impressed by the tech and come back for non-airdrop actions. And if they aren’t, the tech needs to be better.
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Fran pfp
Airdrop farmers can be used to stress test. They should be viewed as a useful tool, not an inconvenience.
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
Not sad if you leverage and monetize them.
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ccarella pfp
Wen token?
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Colin Armstrong pfp
Colin Armstrong
Agreed, this always annoyed me. After our fundraise announcement we had a substantial spike in ultra low quality usage as a result of getting on some airdrop farming lists
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Yea def a bummer for the space
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Joe Blau 🎩 pfp
Joe Blau 🎩
LOL, imagine saying this exact sentence this to someone 10 years ago 😂
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serdar 🎩 pfp
serdar 🎩
Projects can start using Gitcoin Passport. Set certain criteria as Snapshot voter, anny Gitcoin Round contributor, POAP holder, Proof of Humanity verified, Twitter verified etc.
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nirbhik.degen pfp
this. It is a big problem.
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