nick pfp



95 Following

jacob pfp
So @tyson just pulled off some engineering wizardy. You can now boost any mint that you have created on Zora—existing and new. Simply activate a boost, deposit gas and share the frame here. Enjoy!
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nick pfp
We decided to shut down our startup, Basement, today We tried and shipped a lot, but couldn't find traction. I'm grateful we got to leave our mark on this incredible community Thanks to the friends, investors and builders who trusted us. You made this a great journey :) Cya soon ✌🏻🚀
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nick pfp
yeah I think people will pay, especially because we're at the intersection of crypto/social. just don't think it solves any of the problems people replying here think it will solve
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nick pfp
That being said – I created consumer social apps for two years, and if there's one given, it's that nothing is certain in this space until it has been tried in the real world 🤷‍♂️
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nick pfp
Spam has an incentive, whether that's the spammer's ego, disinformation or some way to make money (through a scam or just plain advertising) I truly believe a lot of spammers have a higher money-driven incentive than players who participate in the game of a social network. Raise the cost too much and the latter leave.
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nick pfp
I think it makes sense for current audience to pay tho – if content is good enough they will. If it's REALLY good, clients will even run ads to pay for you Side note: All the people saying the fee will keep scammers and bots out make me laugh. All the scam I get on Twitter/X is from verified accs.
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nick pfp
Anyways – if you're working with indexers i'd love to hear about anything you're struggling with and any unique things that The Graph/Other Providiers couldn't help you with.
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nick pfp
Everyone is building their own indexers and it doesn't make sense – we don't invent our own programming language when we have small different requirements. Instead we build libraries, package managers and custom toolchains. So why are we reinventing the wheel everytime we're working with onchain data?
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nick pfp
The most exciting thing we're building right now is Basement Stream. it's open-source and every component is swappable. It can take different inputs (RPC, bigquery), different handlers (JS runtime, elixir, rust), different outputs (any data-warehouse, webhooks).
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nick pfp
have been looking for this – thanks!
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makemake  pfp
For my farcaster peeps: Announcing blutgang, a blazing fast load balancer and cache for Ethereum's JSON-RPC, written in Rust. Full thread on rocket man app:
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David Tso pfp
David Tso
If you ask projects their reasons for launching a rollup, many will say scalability and flexibility But the true benefit of launching a rollup is monetization onchain via sequencer fees without needing a token Rollups are about value capture just as much as it is about the tech
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nick pfp
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nick pfp
Not sure if you qualify for this at your stage but worth a shot: If u don’t qualify: i learned being/knowing an (ex-) googler can be helpful to bend these rules a bit and get credits nevertheless ;) just ask them
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luc -- q/dau pfp
luc -- q/dau
this really is a crypto-native crowd: the most active 50% users on this app averaged close to 40 on-chain tx in the past week h/t @pixel's sick Dune dashboard -
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nick pfp
these go hard
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nick pfp
We’re creating an open-sourced design/ui kit for a nouns mobile app. May build it as a demo for a project - but no promises. What is something you’ve always wanted in a nouns client? Let me know!
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nick pfp
Feel free to DM. We can set-up a demo 1:1, or feel free to send some more context/a repo and I can tell you more on whether Basement is a fit right now.
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nick pfp
usenet extensibility is nice. allows for namespacing – which is golden for other use-case specific or private apps on the protocol
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nick pfp
k8s is steep to learn, but have a template set up for all my elixir projects already which makes it so easy to deploy probably a lot of overkill though, but allows me to work and iterate fast
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