goobthebuilder  pfp



449 Following

goobthebuilder  pfp
Been out of commission since yesterday - my back locked up and I can’t move. I think I tensed it up from my 12 hours coding away not realizing I was in bad posture What do you do if you can only look up for the next 24 hours 😭
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goobthebuilder  pfp
Sharing plans excessively stunts efficiency of said plan. Overpromise, under deliver. Invest in people. 15 years of business experience in a nutshell.
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goobthebuilder  pfp
<boomer>Joined the cool kids club and got me a portable dual monitor lmao </boomer>
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goobthebuilder  pfp
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goobthebuilder  pfp
I’ve been making more of an effort to really critically debate subjects that matter. I hate conflict and arguments but I’m really starting to love when you can hold an argument and both parties come out better from it. It really is an underdeveloped skill and would probably make the world a far better place
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goobthebuilder  pfp
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goobthebuilder  pfp
just rawdogged Toronto to LAX, it was glorious
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goobthebuilder  pfp
oh boy just when you think you got this parenting thing down... my 4 yo daughter has recently discovered rubbing on certain toys makes her feel "good" currently feeling under leveled walking into a boss fight I think I am going to leave this one to mom and follow her lead? What do you guys think? 🥶
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goobthebuilder  pfp
; After 4 weeks of coding bootcamp, it is clear that the semi-colon is my sworn enemy and in close second are double and single quotes ' ' " " 🙃
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goobthebuilder  pfp
"Don’t try to win over the haters; you are not a jackass whisperer." Brene Brown is full of great quotes to get you by in life. Highly recommend reading one of her books
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goobthebuilder  pfp
3am grind this morning. Why is there something about waking up earlier than the rest of the world around you
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goobthebuilder  pfp
Who’s active from Cyberkongz here?
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goobthebuilder  pfp
believe in karma?
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goobthebuilder  pfp
Cryptobros when ETH goes up 1% after crashing 25% *that’s the city shaking not my hand fyi
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goobthebuilder  pfp
Quite possible one of the best football days in a long time. 4 absolute juggernauts of our sport going to war?! Count me in. 1-1 Germany advances in Extra Time (Kroos Kroos Kroos) 2-1 Portugal in the Cristiano vs Mbappe Bowl. (The last stand of our Millennial Athletes)
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goobthebuilder  pfp
The best part of success is there's no true definition but your own. Today my definition of success is all out time with the family. Stay present with them today, don't think about anything else. Blow bubbles, grill some steaks, and rock out to some T Swizzle - Shake It Off with the kiddos
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goobthebuilder  pfp
When you want to hit the gym early but your gym doesn't open until later on holidays.... What a cock block
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goobthebuilder  pfp
Geeked out about this today The average person has about 200 people they encounter in their life that will impact your growth as a person. Friends, acquaintances, haters, lovers, family etc. 200 does NOT seem like a lot in the grand scope of things. Choose wisely.
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goobthebuilder  pfp
Missed CR7 PK vs Made CR in PK Shootout- 9/10 keepers won't get the timing right to stop this dead corner penalty. Trolls love to clown him but both were great penalty kicks. Keeper did not get enough credit for that save.
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goobthebuilder  pfp
Lessons in success - most choose to clown Cristiano Ronaldo but not me. 1) Sometimes no matter how good you are, it won't always go your way. Someone is always doing better. 2) Sometimes you need a little help from your friends to pick you back up. and #3..... 🔽
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