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Sally pfp
I was listening to an interview with one of the first women in MI6. Made me think of all the other women who just got 'did the work' of change in their industries with no Linkedin or Podcasts to tell everyone, no 'trailbazer' awards...a lot of 60+ who's work is evident but never got the credit.
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 Frogzu🎩🍖 pfp
I agree Why do you think we should do to change this? 50 $DEGEN
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Sally pfp
In my 'I should list...' which has rather a lot on it, I'd love to create a list of women like this and something which shows the changes they helped instigate. Sometimes women can focus only on what we don't have, which is natural, but I wonder if it slightly discounts their efforts as if they were nothing.
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cxs pfp
Keep supporting each other, we will get there !!
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