goki pfp
bsky people are super crypto hostile
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Landon pfp
Yeah not entirely surprising I’ve so far seen it as a place for people who elon pushed away to flock to, like a mastodon type situation. And anti-crypto ppl def fit in there
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𝚣𝚘𝚣 🎩 pfp
𝚣𝚘𝚣 🎩
Twitter = Farcaster = web3 Nostr = BTC Maxis Bsky = woke
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frdysk | 0.78% pfp
frdysk | 0.78%
and there's a furry custom feed over there 👀
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Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon pfp
Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon
Not a unique thought in the lot
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Leo Simon pfp
Leo Simon
Are they crypto or web3 hostile ? (Or both)
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
Depends on the skeeter. There’s a significant contingent of cryptoartists on there, too. I don’t even make crypto my whole personality and I’ve caught blocks from people I’ve never interacted with. Or maybe it was for posting AI art. Who knows, nbd.
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