nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
Poll: for the rest of 2023, if you had to pick one L2/sidechain to fully commit to in terms of usage, development, culture, etc., which would it be? 1. Optimism 2. Arbitrum 3. Polygon zkEVM 4. zkSync 5. Base 6. Scroll 7. none, can’t do it 8. other
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Eric pfp
Arbitrum, Polygon, Base. In that order. Arbitrum’s community, onchain interaction, devs, and fraud proofing are unparalleled right now. There’s a reason why games are being built on there. Polygon’s zkEVM and team are very good. Only issue is the deep reorgs with their Bor consensus. Base because Coinbase
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