Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp

Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶


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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Matcha souffle pancake! you should try it. @beecurious is still selling tea for farcon check it out
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
@beecurious @rafi @web3gurung Check it out for whenever you pick up your matcha from @beecurious at farcon!
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Great caviar sourced from Regis Ova. A savory take on the Norwegian cookie called “Krumkake” the batter is made from sourdough starter, brown butter, and a aminos paste from sourdough scraps. These two work well together with the help of a few other ingredients not pictured
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Gm /food 🌞☀️ Sturgeon + dehydrated spring flowers/ and seeds. There is something special about watching plants & fruit grow from seed to flower and eventually seed. As for the sturgeon, it’s brined in buttermilk and shio koji for 1 day before getting grilled and finished with the seed mix. This is r&d
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Mint The BeavChris and BArt-Head Shows excited for @artlu and @christin show. Go check it out, mint, support onchainmedia. The episode was sponsored by @beecurious and I learned that she will be bringing organic tea from japan to farcon!!🥰 🍵
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Would be neat if you could prompt the cast of original video to a specific channel to avoid having to share again. Maybe you can and I am just new to the app
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Heavy breathing in the Jeju Folk Village. This is 31:
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
What grows together goes together. Ramps and morels cooked in butter are a favorite smell this time of year:
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Yes chef 🧑‍🍳 :
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Spring gold in the form of artichokes.
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Baby artichokes cooked in barigoule liquid. spring gold 💛 :
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
one of the best dining experiences of my life. Haenyeos do it better. period 🙏
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
running to this song with a full moon is a vibe 🩸 🔥 🎧
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
manzanita trees look like chocolate shavings
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Jeju island….. Udo island….. Haenyeo…. Best day ever:
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Drakula. $Blood #latenightruns:
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Manzanita trees are crunchy :
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Whits asparagus are always exciting to see 🤘🤘
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Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶 pfp
Joseph Maggio 🌊 🫶
Tea time☕️🫖This was a lot of fun to work on. Making tea from edible wilds, candying the stirrer so the guests can sweeten to their desire. Pretty sure @leemaggio hand tied about 150 of these😎😂
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