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Welcome to @giu! I learn something from him every day. Giu has agreed to do an AMA on all things markets, investing, software, & more. Reply with your questions. :)
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So excited you’re doing this AMA @giu! What are the most interesting questions you’ve been thinking about lately?
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Giuliano Giacaglia
There are 2 questions that I think a lot about in my scarce free time: - Why haven’t the markets imploded yet? Are we going to see bankruptcies anytime soon? If so, how soon? Or are we just going to see the markets go sideways for a while? When will the general population realize that inflation is here to stay? - Is the Big Bang theory incorrect? I think so based on some data. There are galaxies that are older than the universe, e.g., and there are galaxies that are mature at the distant universe (XMM-2599, SPT0418-47). If that’s the case, is red light just light transversing the universe? Is it traveling through aether?
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So fascinating…for #1, possible that MMT is true? I’m low-context on this, so probably severely over-simplifying For #2, 🤯
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Giuliano Giacaglia
MMT is not true. It’s just delayed a bit by the Covid spending
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