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Node.js is not going anywhere & will continue to rise what's going to happen is general runtimes (node/bun/deno) will converge & basically all support all the features and we'll see more & more hyper-specialized JS runtimes that are designed to do one thing/platform and do it it extremely well see reply for examples
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LLRT: serverless JerryScript: IoT Hermes JS (engine): React Native workerd: Cloudflare Workers
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I live in this future today. For upcoming I'm using 3 runtimes run on cloud/metal duo: deno for backend (thanks to it's exceptional devex), node for frontend (as frontend tools work well only there), and bun (for running untrusted user code and it's low resource utilization ~40% less than deno. I aimed to use only one runtime to simplify the whole stack but after much tinkering I decided that this setup makes sense, mostly because all these runtimes are interoperable with each other.
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absolutely. it's quite debatable, but so far, there's no strong reason for node.js to be replaced
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