‍ pfp


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‍ pfp
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‍ pfp
Node.js is not going anywhere & will continue to rise what's going to happen is general runtimes (node/bun/deno) will converge & basically all support all the features and we'll see more & more hyper-specialized JS runtimes that are designed to do one thing/platform and do it it extremely well see reply for examples
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‍ pfp
zed.dev new typescript looks absolutely incredible (powered by deno)
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‍ pfp
shot in the dark, anyone here works at dydx.exchange or knows someone who works at dydx.exchange?
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‍ pfp
@warpcast is the first platform I've seen use Cloudflare Stream for videos. Pretty smooth video experience developers.cloudflare.com/stream
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‍ pfp
ability to directly run code with TypeScript types using Node.js is now a thing github.com/nodejs/node/pull/53725 (experimental)
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‍ pfp
that's messed up
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‍ pfp
this is pretty good if you're a vscode dev I only came across it today and it beats all the other ts errors extensions including ts pretty errors marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=usernamehw.errorlens github.com/usernamehw/vscode-error-lens
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‍ pfp
ascend your shell experience with bat-extras batgrep first, obviously use ripgrep instead of grep. Assuming you have ripgrep installed, dress it up with batgrep which lets you quickly search through and highlight files using ripgrep batman man pages with syntax highlighting (think cat -> bat) batdiff diff a file against the current git index, or display the diff between two files batwatch watch for changes in one or more files, and print them with bat github.com/eth-p/bat-extras
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‍ pfp
man thank you all, I appreciate the warps I created a telegram channel a while ago just for myself where I share interesting and educational dev/programming related content similar to what I usually share here but more selective (stuff I know I want to read and reread). I also share pullrequest reviews of popular open source codebases I'm thinking of creating a farcaster channel and using that in-place of the tg channel (or in addition to) what's the general vibe on this type of channel? drop your thought below
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‍ pfp
SWC ES parser is being rewritten https://github.com/swc-project/swc/pull/9313 author gives credits to oxc.rs for investigating and providing data that it can be faster oxc is transforming the space
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‍ pfp
a frontend template is 10x more effective if you build a hackernews example with it then share it
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‍ pfp
@greg I ordered 1 snack since the others were out there's just one problem was not aware this is local only
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‍ pfp
missed out on this bread bag -> fumbled
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‍ pfp
vercel cto did not like the that astro came up with a solution that's better than next.js ppr https://x.com/cramforce/status/1814152631683871131 lmao see reply
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‍ pfp
design 102: using gradient? use `oklch` for colors in CSS oklch.com (the why evilmartians.com/chronicles/oklch-in-css-why-quit-rgb-hsl)
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‍ pfp
out of the box Deno supports typescript jsx/tsx bench compile to executable coverage doc gen fmt lint workspaces jupyter pkg publishing task runner testing yarn/p/npm compatibility yarn/p/npm workspaces compatibility almost all of node core mods (ie `node:http`) version manager (it upgrades itself) got tired of typing
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44 reactions

‍ pfp
Astro CTO x.com/matthewcp/status/1814091805043933296
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‍ pfp
"should I go static or dynamic?" "ssr or no?" Astro lets you have both with the `hybrid` output mode. It defaults all pages to static except ones where you explicitly opt out. Most of the time this is good enough but there are cases where most of the page is static but is getting SSRd because of 1-2 components. server-islands: instead of opting out of static mode at the page level it lets you do it at the component level astro.build/blog/astro-4120/#experimental-server-islands
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‍ pfp
this is huge colossal idx.google.com, google's web-based editor, now let's you develop react native apps all in the browser, no xcode expo? yes that too
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