Girish Kumar
Full Guide to Inertia Incentivized Testnet! 🪂 Inertia, Initia’s premier modular LRT and lending protocol, launches its incentivized testnet today. Join for free and qualify for confirmed rewards! ✅ Here is how to join: 1. Claim INIT faucet: Link 2. Bridge INIT from Initia to Inertia: Link 3. Once bridging is done, go to Inertia: Link 4. Mint some nINIT 5. And farm the nINIT + INRT pool. 6. Then mint sINIT. 7. Go to the "Lending" section. 8. Supply your available assets. Use all your available tokens to maximize returns. Once you complete this, you will start earning points, which will determine your airdrop eligibility. ✅ Need a detailed guide? Check this out Amount used matters the most, even if it's a testnet. Be sure to claim the faucet daily and keep adding the newly claimed faucet to your deposits. This way, you will maximize your rewards. The earlier you start, the more points you can accumulate. So, start now and get ahead!
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