optimist 🎩 pfp

optimist 🎩


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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
le calm network state required reading
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
just read through this thread and it seems like his main concern is that the messaging is confusing. “owning your data” could mean anything from hosting data on a personal server to wanting to get paid for sharing data to even things like crypto attestations and NFTs. wdyt? i get the messaging can be confusing and i’m an advocate for clearer communication but i think the desire to exercise more control over your data is far from dead. https://x.com/KyleSamani/status/1811374672795308512
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
this just made it click for me farcaster has the opportunity - with protocolized casts and DCs - to fuel the consolidation of every form of digital media (email, phone, text, social, every app, every message) under a decentralized, open, and composable protocol and social graph. fc is the western super app
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
first it was the toes... why is everyone so freaky rn. is something in the water?
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
The best announcement from WWDC: Apple Intelligence has two locally hosted models, and Apple's private cloud compute allows it to draw on larger server-based models while preserving your privacy. Of course, this can't beat AI running on personal servers but that's another story
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
getting great at this is how cambridge analytica was (is) so effective in influencing global political elections: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Dd5aVXLCc
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Just signed up for the /kismetcasa Creator Hacker House @edcon! If you're a creator or builder who wants to contribute to Ethereum (w/ free food & housing), you need to apply!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
we're building the answer to the question: what if The Voice was decentralized and onchain? if you're cool, check out this doc and drop a 💽 if you wanna contribute! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fbg50HzSFX4xYvS5IhwBtsG6Sclllp0OFvLdJqwVJgA/edit?usp=sharing
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
i've been dreaming of this for 1.5 yrs and i'm finally doing it! just drafted a product doc and now building a team 💪 if you want to support artists + love @nouns = check the doc & drop a 💽 if you can contribute! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fbg50HzSFX4xYvS5IhwBtsG6Sclllp0OFvLdJqwVJgA/edit?usp=sharing
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
I saw someone post recently about luxury software. Maybe this is what that looks like: Exclusive software experiences gated by tokens.
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
*taps sign* not your servers, not your data even drivers licenses can be easily spoofed by ai these days, this policy only punishes those who act honestly and in good faith
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Never forget the great lengths to which Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg went to protect their own privacies while working to reduce ours and turn the public square into a panopticon. This video is a great intro to why privacy and data sovereignty matters.
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
🔥 Hot take: Social finance won't be only up. We should expect SoFi to have cycles just as all other asset classes do. The most important part, as always, is building and supporting valuable things for the long term.
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
I just learned from this video that private email providers (Proton Mail, Skiff, etc.) can actually read your emails before they encrypt them. If you're looking for true E2EE messaging, you won't find it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH626CXyNtE
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Does everyone here know that Discord, Telegram, and Slack messages aren't E2E-encrypted? Slack even uses your workspace messages to train their AI by default. Pretty shoddy privacy practices from platforms designed for private comms. https://techcrunch.com/2024/05/17/slack-under-attack-over-sneaky-ai-training-policy/
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
if i had a gf i’d buy her all the 90s galliano she wanted
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Hey all, we’re looking for another cohost for /sovereignty. If you’re passionate about data sovereignty, online rights, and sovereign tech like E2EE cryptography and want to help build the channel reply to this post or DM me!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Hey all, we’re looking for another cohost for /sovereignty. If you’re passionate about data sovereignty, online rights, and sovereign tech like E2EE cryptography and want to help build the channel reply to this post or DM me!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Hey all, we’re looking for another cohost for /sovereignty. If you’re passionate about data sovereignty, online rights, and sovereign tech like E2EE cryptography and want to help build the channel reply to this post or DM me!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
/farcon-tokyo is a psyop
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