optimist 🎩 pfp

optimist 🎩


495 Following

optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
/farcon-tokyo is a psyop
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Now that everyone’s had time to process this, I want to propose we consolidate efforts to create a yearly circuit of FarCon events (a la ETH Global). Fewer events but bigger, without time and location overlaps. What do we think about this?
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Looks like ProtonMail disclosed info to Spanish authorities which led to the arrest of a Spanish citizen. Pretty concerning given they're a trusted private email provider. The norm should be companies not having any info to share. https://restoreprivacy.com/protonmail-discloses-user-data-leading-to-arrest-in-spain/
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Hey all, we’re looking for another cohost for /sovereignty. If you’re passionate about data sovereignty, online rights, and sovereign tech like E2EE cryptography and want to help build the channel reply to this post or DM me!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Hey all, we’re looking for another cohost for /sovereignty. If you’re passionate about data sovereignty, online rights, and sovereign tech like E2EE cryptography and want to help build the channel reply to this post or DM me!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Hey all, we’re looking for another cohost for /sovereignty. If you’re passionate about data sovereignty, online rights, and sovereign tech like E2EE cryptography and want to help build the channel reply to this post or DM me!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Hey all, we’re looking for another cohost for /sovereignty. If you’re passionate about data sovereignty, online rights, and sovereign tech like E2EE cryptography and want to help build the channel reply to this post or DM me!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Hey all, we’re looking for another cohost for /sovereignty. If you’re passionate about data sovereignty, online rights, and sovereign tech like E2EE cryptography and want to help build the channel reply to this post or DM me!
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
it’s gotta be stateless custody: - crypto is backed by cryptography, not the threat of violence - have real sovereignty over your identity + assets via your crypto wallet
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Privacy is normal. Support privacy.
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
incredibly proud to be the owner of an optimist missed the mint (it was my bday yesterday) but this one struck a chord with me and it’s my gift to myself a reminder to stay optimistic ↑
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
one of my friends thought that ↑ was the “farcaster symbol” higher
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
one year performance, by tehching hsieh c. 1980-81 a picture taken every hour, for a year https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/17/t-magazine/Tehching-Hsieh-endurance-art.html
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
onframe the gas app - send compliments to your mutuals - see compliments from your mutuals
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
This channel is dedicated to discussions about digital sovereignty, online rights, and the empowerment of individuals through cryptography, data sovereignty, and other technologies. We aim to create a space for meaningful conversations about how individuals can assert their sovereignty in today's world.
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
so so so much higher ↑↑
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
if your circumstances feel at first insurmountable, you must first imagine something greater than yourself gm /higher ↑↑↑
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
this is the singular reason for why higher has more potential than degen everyone can believe in a higher future
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
Framedl 2024-04-11 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟩🟨🟨⬜ ⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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optimist 🎩 pfp
optimist 🎩
base onchain summer 2 is not priced in higher
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